5 artists that make your isolation just this bit more creative

Here’s a list of photographers and illustrators for you to (re)discover in times of ambiguity! 

Image courtesy of OLEK

We had high hopes for 2020 (and still do), but let’s be honest… So far, the decade has not brought us the finest hours of humanity we initially anticipated. Still, amongst the current climate of uncertainty, and what feels like a trail of bad news, thanks to certain online platforms your creative hunger doesn’t necessarily have to go amiss in-between the ambiguity looming over us.  That’s why we’ve prepared a list of photographers and illustrators for you to (re)discover and keep an eye on so that your creative juices keep flowing and your vision opens to new perspectives during the time of social isolation.  

First up is multi-disciplinary fine artist and portrait photographer, Lissyelle LaricchiaLaricchia’s Instagram feed exemplifies a generational hunger for societal change and the beauty of the underground and those who go unseen. Her work was born from a childhood fear of memory loss, which is vividly present in her urgent yet instantaneous collection. 

Next up we have OLEK—a NYC-based artist that’s crocheting their way through the struggles of societal expectations and building a community whilst doing so. With the streets as their canvas, OLEK is best-known for the wrapping of buildings which need societal-notice; including homeless shelters and art-houses. Their IG feed brings us the same level of humorous and ironic commentary on society and politics, as they do not shy away from vital issues of today all the while presenting them to us through the light-heartedness we sometimes so dearly need in these times! 

This list wouldn’t be complete without Laura Callaghan. The Irish illustrator’s work focuses on the lives and labours of female and non-binary identifying folks yet connects us all as one to build an intersectional art-community with a focus on the beauty of womxnhood in all its forms. Her online platform brings you a colourful celebration of unity; so, in times that can feel increasingly lonely, this is the page to get you through. 

The notion of “society” and the need for community is an important aspect of humanity right now (and always!). No one celebrates that concept more than the highly commended MAGNUM photographer, Martin Parr. Through an outrageously humorous and exposing lense, Parr focuses on the working class and the beautiful moments behind this wide-spanning collection of people. For a laugh, an outrageous thought, or an inquisitive smile, check out his Instagram. 

Last but definitely not least is the extremely talented CHELLAMAN. The Chinese/Jewish, NY-based artist creates abstractly beautiful pieces, extracting emotions from life experiences as a deaf and genderqueer person. The undeniably-tattooable work also brings our feeds thought-provoking sculptures, illustrations and canvas work, all of which are endlessly inspiring. 

Words by Grace Powell 


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