From the stereotypical to the esoteric

Very few collections have touched my heart quite like New Amsterdam Association‘s Bad Habits. The project is all about encompassing the naughty deeds we get up to here in the city – and as a Brit, the stereotypes we characteristically (and inevitably) fall into. A cheeky whitey, too much booze and a lack of understanding for the proper amount of head that should accumulate on top of a beer. Overall though, it’s a love letter to our bad habits and the individuals which make up the communities that actively engage in such.

Collective individualism may seem oxymoronic, however, when a brand accepts everything from the predictable to the esoteric (surfing in Holland comes to mind),  a space for everyone to explore, play and feel welcome is curated. Now, I may be getting a little soppy here – but it is the freedom they allow within their creators which conjures such transparency and honesty within their practices. It allows people to really know the brand and wear it (*cough* no size 0 only here *cough*), placing their own lense on the surf-inspired designs and all in all, having fun. It was therefore a refreshing take when photographer, Rogier Alexander’s beady eye hit the collection, capturing Senne Roeper, Jaar Roeper, Nathalie Kool, Tisja Janssen and Aaron Tiekink in a new light.

ALSO… a 10/10 reason for this collection to the elongated notice it deserves.

Shop the collection here

Keep up with New Amsterdam Surf Association

Photography by Rogier Alexander

Featuring Senne Roeper, Jaar Roeper, Nathalie Kool, Tisja Janssen, Aaron Tiekink 

Words by Grace Powell