The festival celebrating the power of eroticism

Chang Gao – Emotional Encounter (2020)

The summer of ’22 is soon to be renowned for its flurry of events, festivals and occasions. After forced hibernation for the past 2 (3?) years, the creative world has come back to life and is sprouting its seed into every corner of our summer plans. And one of our most anticipated festivals is — of course — COME ALIVE. If you have been following us for a while, you know by now that Glamcult is thoroughly obsessed with everything co-curators Ine Gevers and Morgan Catalina have (and ever will) do! From the themes of years past: FAKE ME HARD, ROBOT LOVE and HACKING HABITAT, we have loved their raw explosiveness and willingness to explore the topics others shy away from. This year, COME ALIVE, is an investigation into “the power of eroticism”. Bringing the audience on a journey of pleasure activism through an exhibition format, this season explores everything from bondage, ecstatic dance, tickle workshops and so forth. Inviting everyone to come to learn (and unlearn), COME ALIVE is ready to crack open your preconceived notions of sex and unleash upon you the openness you deserve… and will surely enjoy ?!

Angel-Rose Oedit-Doebé – World of the Angel-Rose Coloured Glasses (2022)

Angel-Rose Oedit-Doebé – World of the Angel-Rose Coloured Glasses (2022)

From workshops, exhibitions, performances, and parties to talks and conferences… COME ALIVE has it all. Opening the festival with its Grand Opening on June 3rd at Het Nieuwe Muntgebouw, this sex celebration will run all the way till July 31st. Featuring works of AES + F, Inge & Martin Riebeek, Joyce Overheul, ORGIE, Samantha Nye, The Army of Love, Yamuna Forzani, Zoï Tatopoulos and more, there really is a moment over the next two months for everyone. There are so many artists we have already got in the books, but we highly recommend you check out the programme and see what suits you! I mean, we all have different fantasies, so whether you’re up for The Pleasurable Sex Sessions, or intrigued by designing your own Erotic Movie, see what COME ALIVE has to offer and book your tickets today!

Nia Gvatua – HYENAZ


June 1st – July 31st

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Words by Grace Powell