Do you like my gaiters?

Nike pushes the foraging-chic boxes your outdoorsy friends may have established

Gorpcore (the utilitarian-inspired “off to catch a fish” aesthetic taking over the high street), has just been taken one step further as Nike launch their latest trainer accessory: detachable gaiters. Not sure what a gaiter is? Well, neither did we… but (according to Google), it is the essential shoe accessory worn to protect and push any foraging-chic boxes your outdoorsy friends may have established. 

Adding this latest accessory to their Air Max Scorpion trainer, Nike has taken the pandemic-baby of sneakers and propelled them back into the (semi-)functioning world. Made from neutral-toned Flyknit, featuring a sliver-bubbled swoosh tick and some heavy-handed soles, the trainer is a must-see-in-person kinda’ shoe, elevating outfits all around the city.

Weather-resistant and gorpcore approved, get your hands on a pair via Nike online!

Words by Grace Powell

Images courtesy of Nike