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Eddo Hartmann presents The Sacrifice Zone

Unveiling the grim reality of ecocide, the enduring legacy of the USSR, existential despair, and the resourcefulness of a resilient population facing fallout and isolation


Eddo Hartmann, Rising Mushrooms, Kyzyemshek, Kazakhstan, 2019

Renowned Dutch photographer Eddo Hartmann‘s work is now on show at Huis Marseille, Museum for Photography in Amsterdam. Delving into the heart of a region caught between the geopolitical giants of Russia and China, Hartmann visually grapples with international political tensions burdened by a tumultuous history.

Renowned for previous photo series capturing his childhood home (The Rediscovery of the World, 2013) and life in Pyongyang, North Korea (Setting the Stage: Pyongyang, North Korea, 2015; Part 2, 2017), Eddo Hartmann has embarked on five journeys to Kazakhstan since 2018 to create this series. Armed with his camera, he traversed various regions, chronicling the inhumane practices of the Soviet regime. The result: life captured amidst radioactive grazing areas and abandoned cities, showcasing the resilient locals mining precious metals from defunct test rigs, bunkers, and other contaminated remnants left by the Soviets. Titled The Sacrifice Zone, this exhibition unveils the grim reality of ecocide, the enduring legacy of the USSR, existential despair, and the resourcefulness of a resilient population facing fallout and isolation.

This exhibition is on view now, and available to visit until the 25th of February, 2024. Find out more here!

Eddo Hartmann, Visitors, Lake Shagan, Kazakhstan, 2022

Eddo Hartmann, Black Pylon, Semipalatinsk Test Site, Kazakhstan, 2022

Eddo Hartmann, Farmer, Zhidebay, Kazakhstan, 2019

Words by Grace Powell

Images courtesy of Huis Marseille and the artist