femme culture

HeForShe x femme culture Vol. 4 ascends

femme culture is the “record label, collective and inclusive space” uprooting the musical standard to bring us uncompromising beats and divine femme sounds. The label, founded by London-based boss babe Elkka, has taken #4 with their HeForShe series, releasing its latest instalment of compilation greatness supporting the organisation, UN Women. The project originally debuted back in 2018 and has since grown both in notability and success, today sharing the works of SUCHI, Jennifer Loveless, Breaka, Nicola CruzAyesha and more. 

With 19 ready-to-go tracks, femme culture will be releasing this latest instalment on April 15th, so get your pre-order game ready and listen to a sneak peek below…


Pre-order here

See more from femme culture 

Learn about UN Women 

Words by Grace Powell