Grace Before Jones: Camera, Disco, Studio

Think fan-fiction, study and biography all rolled into one.


Grace Before Jones is the newest installation at the Nottingham Contemporary Gallery, and to say we have been served with the glory of one of the greats is an understatement. The entire exhibition is a celebration of the iconic singer’s artist’s career as she fluctuated between mediums of creativity. Racking up a multitude of collaborations with designers, artists, photographers and musicians alike, there’s no stopping the queen of culture as she released into the world the importance of self-expression and acceptance. Exploring the notion of ‘the black image’ as well as gender’s fluidity the exhibitions see, acknowledges and appreciates Jone’s performance of life as she helped mould the social world in which we embrace today. Travel through time, seek the truth and fall in love over and over with this alternate way to share the history of art. 


For more info click here. 

Nottingham Contemporary Gallery

26 Sep 2020 – 3 Jan 2021

Words by Grace Powell