Immerse yourself in sound with B&O

A talk with JU-LIA 

In light of the new Bang & Olufsen store opening in Haarlem, we teamed up with JU-LIA to discuss her music and her journey through the creative world. This “Soulful, smooth and sensual” artist (and Destiny’s Child stan!) embraces music from all angles in creating her own, distinct sound. With only two singles out, JU-LIA’s sprint to recognition has been mesmerizing. Her most recent track, “Addicted”, exposes the habitual nature of love, and the impossibility to resist its lure. Her music hits us right in the feels and our chat below did not disappoint! Join us as we dive into the roots of her inspiration and that important, yet personal checklist when it comes to the perfect sound.

Hey! First, how would you describe your sound?

I’d say I don’t have a specific “sound” since I make RnB, Soul, and Jazz. But we basically mix those genres together and it comes out as one. Overall, I would describe my sound as soulful, smooth, and sensual.

Your song “Addicted” is an intricate blend of all of the genres you mention: soul, jazz, and RnB. What, or who, initially drew you to this multiplicity of genres?

It would be Destiny’s Child, for sure! My mom gave me their first CD when they were still a group of four – I got hooked ever since! When I got older, I was introduced to Chris Brown, James Blake, and basically every RnB artist around that time; so a bit of everything.

Your love for sound seeps through everything you do… What makes a good listening experience for you? 

This [speaker] allows you to hear every sound in the music. Tome, it’s really important to be able to hear every detail, especially when it comes to the volume of the bass. 

These days, listening on the go is how most of us experience music daily. What’s something about the Beoplay headphones that make them the perfect everyday companion?

Alike the speaker, the headphones have really good bass. This is important to me because the bass is literally everything. With these headphones, you are also able to hear a lot of details within the music. Plus, they’re wireless, which I find very important. I don’t like wires, especially not when doing the dishes, man. I don’t want the cords to get wet or being unable to move around when listening to music.

Different types of music thrive within different spaces. Is there a particular setting or atmosphere you have in mind when creating music?

I don’t have anything specific in mind whenever I make music. I feel comfortable long as the atmosphere is right and I feel good. It’s usually dark in the studio when we’re recording because I find it important to surround myself with a sense of rest and to have nothing distracting me.

Technology is radically changing the way we connect with music. Has this affected you as an artist?

I pretty much grew up with technology, so I don’t know what the world would be like without it. For me personally, social media has been a big part of my professional journey. I don’t think I’d have this type of recognition without it. I feel like technology changed a lot of things for artists.

Music itself is also an ever-changing medium. Where do you hope to see your future in the industry?

t’s hard for me to tell where I’m going with my music. I have no clue if people will continue to listen to my songs or if I will stay poppin’! My goal is to release an album and maybe go on a tour. I’d also like to create more music videos and collaborate with artists I look up to. We’re currently working on a little EP, but I’m not sure yet when it will release.

Bang & Olufsen hit the mark when it comes to sound quality. When music is your calling, these are the guys – bringing the atmospheric nuance to every corner of your listening experience. Since expanding their expertise into some more accessible gear, you can now catch their quality in a multitude of ways. From headphones to speaker systems, B&O covers a range of needs, with something for every music lover’s must-have list.

Exclusive models and colours are also available at Ynter Bang & Olufsen. Try, experience, and fall in love with the Beoplay collection at the new Haarlem shop and get a taste for luxury, whether you’re after a studio set-up or headphones for your commute Ynter Bang & Olufsen will guide you through.


Photographer: Emilija Juskaite

Words by Grace Powell