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Broadcasting Bristol's Queer music scene

Kunt Up Music. FM open call!

Forming the first independent Queer radio station in Bristol, Kunt Up Music. FM AKA K.U.M, dials us into a their pioneering platform for new creatives. The station plans to open its air ways to a diverse range of musical talent, from indie punk rock to DJs and collectives within the Queer community. Set to bring us music every week from Thursday to Sunday!

While showcasing new artists, K.U.M will be hosting shows that focus on discussion and debate. The station have detailed as their mission statement, to hopefully a light on the ‘pressing issues that involve rights, policies and opinions that are oppressing parts of the community.’

K.U.M FM are currently looking for volunteers to help kick start the platform. Applications are now open with social media, promotion and production assistant positions available. Discover opportunities at K.U.M here!