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Nick Léon teams up with Coral Morphologic

Take the dive

Miami-based artist Nick León and the underwater media creators Coral Morphological have joined forces to craft an album that’ll have you head swimming in musical ambience. ‘Projects of a Coral City’ plunges listeners into a soundscape, where tones drift past gently and warm bass currents ripple… sometimes you don’t need scuba equipment for the underwater experience, just some headphones 😉

The very beginning of this project dates back to 2022, when Coral Morphological unveiled a installation of corals overtaking the skyline along an iconic Miami Boulevard, serving as a stark reminder of the potential devastation wrought by neglecting global warming. The duo have embodied this message, to create an album that navigates the collisions between beauty and destruction.

Take the dive by listening to their first single ‘Deep Call’ , as the Nick León and Coral Morphological paddle you towards the mysteries of the ocean, clutching onto a floating sense of wonder.

Words by Dexter Burningham
Image courtesy of artist