Not BTS, but definitely DTS

Courtesy of NINAMOUNAH

What can we say? The new NINAMOUNAH x MATT LAMBERT capsules are definitely hot to the touch, keeping you flustered and warm in the best way a scarf can. Featuring four different pieces from Lambert’s archives, the silk fetish scarves allow you to don yourself in sensual, queer imagery. These pieces do more than just celebrate sexual liberation – they actively seek to ensure it. 100% of all proceeds from the collection will be going to Tbilisi Pride after their headquarters were violently attacked this past July. In addition to rebuilding, the leftover revenue will be redistributed throughout the Amsterdam queer community, assisting in covering housing and medical expenses for those of us who need it most. There’s more than enough love to go around, as these pieces will be available to you from today onwards. Group hug!! (you’ll get it when you see it ;)).

Courtesy of NINAMOUNAH

Courtesy of NINAMOUNAH

Courtesy of NINAMOUNAH

Donate to Tbilisi Pride

Words by Alia Ayoubi