Be lifted into the world of Shay

A new album from the Brussels star

In the dynamic realm of music, few artists manage to strike a perfect balance between innovation and emotion. Shay, the prodigious rapper effortlessly navigates this equilibirium with her latest album “Pourvu qu’il pleuve”. A musical masterpiece that showcases her growth as both an artist and storyteller. 

Channelling the energy of female music royalty such as Miss Lauren Hill, Mary J Blige and Foxy Brown to name a few ;).Resonating a discourse of empowerment with her audience, Shay is an artist that hold s her stance consistently within the music she creates and the industry itself. 

It’s been five years since Shay brought listeners her sophomore album “Antidote”…during which time her music has grown more layers and perspectives. With catchy hooks, hard hitting beats and soft-like melodies to caress your ears, “Pourvu qu’il pleuve” is a must listen for anyone looking to escape the January slump, and be lifted into the energised and exciting musical world of Shay.

Be sure to listen here!

Image courtesy of artist