Transforming Fashion

Introducing KABK’s 2021 graduates

Collection by DIJK (Anwen Xu and Jiahao Li)

Rolling into the heart of Summer, it’s time to once again dance in the fire of fresh talent. Catching a sneak-preview, last week GLAMCULT went to check-out KABK’s (Royal Academy of Art The Hague’s) next generation in their end of year show: Exposed. As always, it was a finale like no other and an experience that can only be harnessed by designers who ignite the freedom of preparing to take on the world. This year, the show takes place within the monumental Electricity Factory in The Hague, providing an industrial backdrop to the works of Annli Basedahl, Sina Dyks, Luka Dortmans, Yulia Hmarnaia, Petra Huisman, Pien Klein Douwel, Jiahao Li, Marlien Peeters, Stef Reinierse, Anwen Xu and Keep an Eye Textile & Fashion Scholarship winner Max Willebrand Westin.

Collection by Pien Klein Douwel

Collection by Luka Dortmans

In the age of 2021, this is a show like no other; seemingly gone are the days of a traditional catwalk (and we aren’t complaining) as you can now experience the event digitally via their online video presentation. Virtually flying between each section, you can now view every student’s graduation work, each individually building the KABK thriller: TRANSFORM. Encapsulating the ever-changing world, we are in, this is an examination into the current field of textile and fashion design. In response to this stimulus, each voice was heard loud and clear, evoking the question, ‘What will I contribute as a designer to our world of tomorrow?’ And without doubt, our questions were answered!

Check out the film here or visit Exposed here and watch this space as we chatted with a selection of KABK’s graduates earlier this week.

Words Grace Powell

Photography JW Kaldenbach