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PUNK PLAYGROUND – GANT'S FW21 collection will have you kicked off the schoolyard

Photography and Styling: Carlos Victimo
Creative Direction: Rogier Vlaming
Models: Mazarine and Marouane @ Lis Rutten Agency
Makeup and hair: Vannessa Chan @ House of Orange
Photography Assistant: Yizong Chen
Fashion Assistant: Otilia Vieru

Special thanks to Gant















Cap: Gant

Scarf: Gant

Jacket: Gant
Polo: Gant
Catsuit: Mad Duck

Jacket: Gant
Polo: Gant
Catsuit: Mad Duck

Jacket: Gant
Blouse: Gant
Catsuit: Mad Duck
Shoes: stylists own

Long black coat: Gant
Blue jacket: Gant

Jacket: Gant

Shirt: Gant
Jeans: Gant
Boots: stylist’s own

Jacket: Gant
Polo: Gant
Catsuit: Mad Duck
Shoes: stylist’s own